Project Heartbeat
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Managing a project to implement Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) requires planning and understanding to ensure you are aware of the issues and (related) decisions that you need to make (both before and while implementing your project).
How you prepare, plan and run your project and implement your solution will be affected by the restrictions you are operating under e.g. fixed budget, fixed timeline, quantity of content, quality required.
Planning your project consolidates the preparation. Here you need to start converting the goals and expectations into a well-defined roadmap consisting of concrete tasks, bound by clear communication, with stringent reviews to measure progress.
This should be done early in the project life cycle to ensure that any vunerabilities are identified and evaluated. Based on the findings you can report to your stakeholders on whether the full requirements can be implemented and, if necessary, whether it is possible to plan for appropriate actions to be taken and tracked.
On a similar basis the operations must be properly planned to ensure you have the environments that you require - for all stages of the project life cycle. You also need the appropriate processes for maintaining them.
Results: Immediate costs were substantially greater than projected, and the recruitment period was two years rather than one-a circumstance with longer-term implications as well. However, with the support of a community-based advisory committee, the school district, and a local recruitment staff, the recruitment goal was obtained.
The lifecycle model that we illustrated at the start of this section also represents resource utilization through the project. The area under the curve in each stage represents the resources the project needs, or its budget.
As a result, changes to scope or specification will have an increasingly big effect on your ability to complete your project successfully. As each day passes, you will have a rapidly diminishing budget and capacity to implement those changes.
Your project will cycle through its ups and downs and so will the morale of your team. For example, successes and meeting milestones will create a real boost, just as setbacks and problems will bring your team low.
Project implementation can be a roller-coaster. As the project manager, you need to work constantly to maintain morale and deal with any setbacks appropriately. That way, you can be sure your team remains resourceful when you most need it. Here are some articles that will give you plenty of ideas:
This is largely a factor in either technology or product development projects. As the complexity of the product you are creating grows, so does the importance of actively recording and managing the configuration. This means that any changes the project team makes to the project are fully recorded.
Dr Mike Clayton is one of the most successful and in-demand project management trainers in the UK. He is author of 14 best-selling books, including four about project management. He is also a prolific blogger and contributor to and Project, the journal of the Association for Project Management. Between 1990 and 2002, Mike was a successful project manager, leading large project teams and delivering complex projects. In 2016, Mike launched OnlinePMCourses.
The analytic method comprised three steps: (1) functional principal component(FPC) analysis for summarizing the information contained in the functionalcurves into a few numbers, called FPC scores [26, 27]; (2) mixture modeling,or latent class analysis [28], for the FPC values derived from the differentvariables to delineate relatively homogeneous subgroups of individuals interms of their FPC values; and (3) projection of the FPCs onto the originalvariable spaces to show the group-based functional curves in their originalscales because FPC were combinations of the original variables and weredifficult to interpret. We used the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), acommonly used goodness-of-fit index, in selecting the number of clusters(latent classes) in step (2). The statistical testing of the differencebetween group-based functional curves, or trajectories, was based on 95 %confidence bands of the mean group trajectories.
17. Day RS, Fulton JE, Dai S, Mihalopoulos NL, Barradas DT. Nutrient intake,physical activity, and CVD risk factors in children: project HeartBeat!. Am JPrev Med. 2009;37(1S):S25.-33 doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2009.04.006.
18. Steffen LM, Dai S, Fulton JE, Labarthe DR. Overweight in children andadolescents associated with TV viewing and parental weight: projectHeartBeat!. Am J Prev Med. 2009;37(1S):S50.-5 doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2009.04.017.
20. Altwaijri YA, Day RS, Harrist RB, Dwyer JT, Ausman LM, Labarthe DR.Sexual maturation affects diet-blood total cholesterol association inchildren: project HeartBeat!. Am J Prev Med. 2009;37(1S):S65.-70 doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2009.04.007.
21. Labarthe DR, Dai S, Fulton JE, Harrist RB, Shah SM, Eissa MA. Systolicand fourth- and fifth-phase diastolic blood pressure from ages 8 to 18 years:project HeartBeat!. Am J Prev Med. 2009;37(1S):S86.-96 doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2009.04.014.
22. Eissa MA, Dai S, Mihalopoulos NL, Day RS, Harrist RB, Labarthe DR.Trajectories of fat mass index, fat free-mass index, and waist circumferencein children: project HeartBeat!. Am J Prev Med. 2009;37(1S):S34.-9 doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2009.04.005.
heartbeat drawing My canvas is not a picture, but an event. Most drwaings are things expressive. If you describe a drawing or painting as expressive, You mean that they clearly contain people's feelings or intentions.Electronic painting sometimes can be played in a very expressive and emotional way or with restraint for simplicity. I use heartbeat sensor. my work is always changed by people's heartbeat. You can refer to someone's heart when you are talking about their deep feelings and beliefsThis process transfer pure emotion directly onto the canvas. The heartbeat cause dynamic composition, everchanging shape and undulating rhythm .In the past, The Abstract Expressionists' goal was a raw and impulsive art.Abstract Expressionism is a type of art in which the artist expresses himself purely through the use of form and color. It non-representational, or non-objective art, which means that there are no actual objects represented.My electronic canvas is affected by the inner respond of the body , not by exterior respondForm is abstract, but content is expressive All were influenced by Existentialist ideas, which emphasized the importance of the act of creating, not of the finished object. The final image is determined by unpredictable factors. 'chance within a highly stuructured system' remains at the heart of my work.
'THE HEARTBEAT DRAWING' isconsists of abstract image with heartbeat sensor , everchanging shape triggered with the heartbeat sensor,this is controlled by director and ezio board in a computer.
Installation (processing+ ezio board+heartbeatsensor ) ' HEART BEAT DRAWINGS'consist of an abstract images with a heartbeat sensor . This everchanging shape is triggered by the viewer's heartbeat. T his is controlled by Ezio board and Processing in a computer.The viewer's heart beat rate determins the color pallette and character of drawing. The rythm of heart beat corresponds to yhe color and speed. For example , If viewr's heartrate is fast, the rate would appear red color pallette. built with heartbeatsensor, processing, ezio bord
How does the heart reflect the mindEmotion is fundamental to human experience, influencing cognition, perception, and everyday tasks such as learning, communication, and even rational decision-making. Inner states such as emotion and feeling are connected to the body. Affect has been isunderstood and is difficult to measure. The Heart beat is a part of bodily expression of emotion. Detecting emotional information usually involves passive sensors which capture data about the user's physical state or behavior. The data gathered is often analogous to the cues humans use to perceive emotions in others. Recognizing emotional information requires the extraction of meaningful patterns from the gathered data. This is done by parsing the data through various processes . I use a heartbeat sensor to detect a emotion.
color symbolism The basic colours have fundamental psychological properties that are universal, regardless of which particular shade, tone or tint of it you are using. Each of them has potentially positive or negative psychological effects and which of these effects is created depends on the relationships within colour combinations.For instance, the color red has been associated with excitement, orange has been perceived as distressingand upsetting, purple as dignified and stately, yellow as cheerful, and blue has been associated with comfort and security (Ballast, 2002; Wexner, 1982). Moreover, some colors may be associated with several different emotions and some emotions are associated with more than one color (Linton, 1999, Saito, 1996). Red, symbolically known as a dominant and dynamic color, has an exciting and stimulating hue effect. It has both positive and negative impressions such as active, strong, passionate, warm, but on the other hand aggressive, bloody, raging and intense. Green has been found to have a retiring and relaxing effect. It too has both positive and negative impressions such as refreshment, quietness, naturalness, and converselytiredness and guilt (Davey, 1998, Mahnke, 1996, Saito, 1996).ConclusionMy project asks the question how can we show changes of human emotions on an electronic canvas as abstract expressionist did in their paintings . This is based on abstract expressionist goal. My work is continuously changed by people's heartbeat. This project allows the transfer of pure emotion directly onto the canvas. The heartbeat creates dynamic compositions, everchanging the shape and undulating the rhythm. This interface has the ability to sense, recognize, and respond to the human communication of emotion.My artworks connect mind and body. I believe that electronic painting can convey emotional content and create a subjective experience for the viewer. 59ce067264
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